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Thankfully, I graduated in a time when COVID-19 wasn't a worldwide pandemic. Prior to graduation, I begin applying to jobs daily. I was so excited to begin my "grown up" life. It wasn't until March of 2020 that I was offered a position at Waltrip, Smith & Campbell, P.C. located in Williamsburg. However, I was unable to start until June due to local stay at home orders and social distancing. 

Even though I decided to not formally continue my education, I am very thankful that I have been given the opportunity to continue to learn and broaden my knowledge with my current job. Eventually, I  may decide to continue my education and earn my Master's degree, but for now, I am learning small things every day. 

After acclimating to my new job, my boyfriend and I bought our first house in Toano, Virginia. We have 14 chickens and two cats, whom I absolutely adore. We live on two and a half acres of land and enjoying spending our time outdoors. 


     I was born and raised in Newport News, Virginia. I graduated from Denbigh High School in 2015 and then continued my education at Old Dominion University through 2019. While in college, I joined Kappa Delta sorority where I took on leadership roles and contributed to my community through our philanthropy and community service events. I served on the executive board as the Vice President of Standards, enforcing rules and planning events. Aside from Kappa Delta, I am also a member of Phi Sigma Pi honors fraternity where I served on their executive board as the Recruitment Advisor. 

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